The Snickers and Hollywood Adventure

Two friends; Snickers and Hollywood set out on an adventure to cook, create and post photos of every recipe in the 'Meals and Heels' cookbook. Join our adventure following our trials and tribulations as we conquer the challenges ahead... aka Profiteroles with salted caramel sauce. We've watched masterchef and the crouquembouche challenge, wish us luck, we are going to need it!

Saturday 30 April 2011

Easter Potato Bake "slightly healthier than usual"

So I have been away up to Northern Queensland for easter. We ate fresh coral trout, bugs, tiger prawns, tusk fish etc etc. To compliment all our fresh seafood we ate a lot of fresh salads but also I made this fabulous potato bake off the top of my head.....
it goes a bit like this....

Peel and very finely slice potatoes (however many you need for you guests - we were cooking for 11 people)

Peel and also finely slice 2 small onions

Spray olive oil into you baking dish

Neatly layer the dish, 1 layer of potatoes and then sprinkle some finely slice onion. Continue until you reach desired quantity.

Mix 1/2 cup of light cream with about 1 cup of light milk, add 1 teaspoon garlic, 2 tablespoons seeded mustard and 2 table spoons of plain flour. Beat with a whisk until well combined. Poor over potatoes.
Garnish top with freshly grated parmesan, nutmeg and freshly chopped chives.

Opps nearly forgot to add taste the milk mixture first and adjust quantities of garlic and mustard to suit your palate. Season with salt and pepper

Cook in a 180 degree over until the potato is cooked through and the top is crispy golden brown.

Sorry about the photos, I only took photos before I put it in the oven

It was delicious and much healthier than full cream versions.

x Hollywood

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