The Snickers and Hollywood Adventure

Two friends; Snickers and Hollywood set out on an adventure to cook, create and post photos of every recipe in the 'Meals and Heels' cookbook. Join our adventure following our trials and tribulations as we conquer the challenges ahead... aka Profiteroles with salted caramel sauce. We've watched masterchef and the crouquembouche challenge, wish us luck, we are going to need it!

Saturday 30 April 2011

Vege and Herb Garden

So husband is at golf today and I have done 4 loads of washing. When I was hanging the last load of washing out I looked over at my vege/herb garden and thought that our followers might be interested. Both Snickers and I grow some of our own veges and herbs. I live in a unit block and only recently created our communal garden. It has been great because I have met so many people in our unit block through doing the garden!!
If you live in a unit block remember to seek Strata approval before starting.
Im currently growing:
* cherry tomatoes
* rocket
* chilli
* celery
* silverbeet

* herbs (basil, chives, mint, thyme, corriander, parsley, rosemary)
* and I have a bay leaf tree!!

I used fresh chives and parsley straight from my garden for the poached chicken sandwiches and pumpkin soup - fresh rosemary.

Secret ingredient to a successful vege/herb garden - cow poop!

x Hollywood

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