The Snickers and Hollywood Adventure

Two friends; Snickers and Hollywood set out on an adventure to cook, create and post photos of every recipe in the 'Meals and Heels' cookbook. Join our adventure following our trials and tribulations as we conquer the challenges ahead... aka Profiteroles with salted caramel sauce. We've watched masterchef and the crouquembouche challenge, wish us luck, we are going to need it!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Hollywood's own pumpkin and rocket salad (not a meals in heels recipe)

Snickers is unwell, so you wont see any new recipes from her this weekend :(
Tonight my husband and I got home from the Swans (and yes we won - thank goodness!!) and bbq'd some sausages for dinner. I had bought some fresh rocket yesterday when doing the groceries and had a butternut pumpkin in the fridge so I made an oldie but a goodie of mine...
Now everytime I make this I change things up a little but here are the basics

Cut up a butternut pumpkin into small pieces and place on baking paper on a tray, drizzle with olive oil and season with sea salt. Bake in a 200 degree oven on top shelf until pumpkin is cooked through and golden brown. Take out of oven and cool. Put sesame seeds and pinenuts on tray and roast until browning. Again take out of oven and put aside.

Wash the rocket leaves and place in a serving bowl. Once pumpkin is cool add to the rocket as well as the sesame seeds and pinenuts. get 5 fresh basil leaves, tear and add to salad
Then add dressing.

To make dressing
place 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon olive oil in a small plastic container with lid
season with salt and pepper
Apply lid and shake until well combined.
Poor over salad.

Hope you enjoy, get well soon snickers

Hollywood xoxo

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