The Snickers and Hollywood Adventure

Two friends; Snickers and Hollywood set out on an adventure to cook, create and post photos of every recipe in the 'Meals and Heels' cookbook. Join our adventure following our trials and tribulations as we conquer the challenges ahead... aka Profiteroles with salted caramel sauce. We've watched masterchef and the crouquembouche challenge, wish us luck, we are going to need it!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Steamed Fish Parcels with coconut cream, chilli, coriander and lime

Prep 25 mins, cooking time 10 mins, serves 6
So this weekend I had our Kiwi friends over for dinner. This recipe was great due to lactose and gluten free! It is a rather light meal so if I did this again and the boys were eating I would make sure I served it with two sides.
I've never cooked with banana leaves before but would definately do it again as it was such a nice way to steam the fish. I was also able to pre prepare this fish so that when our visitors arrived I could enjoy their company! All the washing up was done before they arrived as well :)

Now I had a little moment last night and forgot to serve it with the chopped coriander and lime cheeks that I had prepared - they are still sitting in the fridge. I also served this dish on rectangular plates which made it much easier for unwrapping the parcels.

Tip: overall a delicious dish. I couldnt find kaffir lime leaves so used the lime zest as the recipe says, but next time I would only use the zest of one lime instead of two. Also I wouldnt forget the coriander as I think that would have brightened up the presentation - but hey presentation isnt everything it is about how it tastes!
Hollywood xox

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